Media wrote

Učitelia sa vzdelávali, Mestské noviny, 14.6.2011 

We decided  to  inform retired teachers  about European programmes concerning Education! Pupils from Grade 5 prepared a presentation of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission by using interactive board, PowerPoint presentations, drawings, infosheets, videos and lots of photos. The priority was  the Comenius School Partnerships because they have got many experiences to share and describe.
They started with an overall presentation of the Lifelong Learning Programme and they described in details the project “Quality now and tomorrow” which is funded under the framework of the Comenius School Partnerships. They informed retired teachers about the knowledge that they gained from their participation to this project and they described how they cooperated with pupils from other Schools around Europe.
At the end of this presentation, pupils gave as gifts many EUBookshop’s publications not only about the Lifelong Learning Programme but also about European Union and its policies.

Mestské noviny, "Jednotka" sa chystá do Fínska, 8.03.2011

"Jednotka" hostila zahraničnú delegáciu, Mestské noviny, 1.12.2010

Žiaci z "Jednotky" na návšteve partnerskej školy v Španielsku, Mestské noviny, 15.06.2010

Projekt Comenius, Mestské noviny, 20.10.2009